Common Core Is Bringing Change

Posted on June 16, 2011


Today, I attended the Arkansas Dept. of Career Ed. Business and Marketing Technology Conclave. The goal was to discuss key questions about how Common Core will affect career education in Arkansas–what adjustments we will need to make.

My table, table 25, had a wonderful discussion. I was awed by the discussion we had. We talked about how all teachers have to teach students how to think, read, write, research, evaluate, create, produce using technology every step of the way.  We talked about how we–all of us teachers–have to move from seeing ourselves as teachers of a particular content to seeing ourselves as teachers of students, students who need strong content knowledge but who just as importantly need to know how to read and write and think and choose and use efficiently digital tools to suit their purpose.

All day I’ve wanted to stand and shout, “Amen”! Edubloggers have been preaching this message for some time. It appears Common Core may be the impetus to push the movement into the mainstream. What is the movement? Students learn by doing. They learn technology skills by creating, producing, publishing, collaborating. They learn to think by reading and talking and writing about meaningful, compelling ideas. Along the way, if the road is rigorous and meaningful and real, they develop a body of content knowledge.

Who’s going to teach teachers how to use these digital tools? Who’s going to support teachers in shifting to designing inquiry and project-based lessons? One table suggested schools need INSTRUCTIONAL technologists, facilitators who can support teachers in planning rigorous learning experiences that integrate technology.


How  very, very exciting the direction we’re heading–not just the edublogging community but the whole state, the whole nation.

I say bring it on!



Posted in: Reflection