Attention Teachers: Collaboration Needed

Posted on October 29, 2008


Starting next week, my AP English Language students are tackling a cooperative lesson (one I adapted from a lesson by Deborah Louis, an AP English consultant) on The Awakening by Kate Chopin. I will create six groups and assign each group a paragraph of chapter six. I’m tackling the first paragraph, creating a model. Each paragraph is only one to two sentences. The groups will tear apart the paragraph, analyzing diction, detail, allusions, figurative language, rhetorical/literary devices, and imagery. To present their analysis, they’ll create a voicethread that will include documents, video, and a hand-drawn picture representing the paragraph.

I’d love to collaborate with other AP English students in either or both of these ways:

  • Either do the project with us, having your students create their own voicethreads that we can then compare, and/or
  • Add your comments to my students’ voicethreads.

The real motivation will come from students having a real audience, having their peers and other adults read and respond to their work.

I have supporting documents–some I’m still currently creating–(graphic organizers, project description, rubrics, voicethread instructions) I’d love to share.

Anyone interested? Leave a comment if you’d be willing to view our work and comment or join us and create projects of your own. I’d love to have adults and students alike.

Posted in: Projects/Lessons